Ok, lasts months HCG shot was no biggie. This month, the nurse at the clinic did it. OMG! That was on Tuesday, I still have a whelp at the injection site. It's really bad because it is right where the waist on my pants hit and it hurts!!!
I swear this nurse was probably 12. I have been giveing myself shots for a month now, I think I can handle one more. Geesss...
I was hoping for better follies this month since the change in drugs. But the lining was way better, so there is my positive.
Last note, I've been on anitobiotics since Saturday for Bronchitis. I've been sleeping in my recliner for a week and finally got to sleep in my bed last night. Not T is starting to get the drainage. Poor boy, he's got work to do! hehehe
How very kind of you to pass the germs along. You know, fair is fair, right?
Seriously, hope you are feeling better, and T. follows quickly.
Ouch!! She probably went to high and didn't get IM. Sometimes if you give an IM injection SQ it hurts really bad and can leave a pretty nice welt.. Next time say.. I'll do it myself!! haha!!
Kent just had the flu and passed it on to me.. darn the luck!
Feel better soon!
Eww the cold weather is coming after us!
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