Wednesday, February 4, 2009

New Camera, New Day

I've been inspired by Kelly's blog and I'm going to try to document more things in my life. Not just the crap. That and my new digital camera came in today so I am a happy girl. Thank you woot!

Update on my mom:
The colonoscopy came back negative for Crohn's. She did have 1 polyp and 1 small diverticulitus. They saw on the CT scan that she had a thickening of the small intestine and that is what made them suspect Crohn's in the first place. Now they are thinking gallbladder or gall stones. She was released last night and will follow up with a general surgeon this week.

The reason I freaked out about the Crohn's is because my mom has a very nasty autoimmune disease that has been in remission for 20 years. It is a very nasty form of scleroderma and I can't remember the entire name.

I think I was feeling sympathy pains for my mom yesterday, because I was sick all day. Included throwing up. No I'm not pregnant. I also had my appt with Dr. H yesterday. T did not go with me. Some how, some way, I let him talk me into another round of IUI. I think my tummy was already hurting and I just wanted to get out of there. I go back on 2/13 with the IUI on 2/14. That would be cool!

On to my pictures and my naughty naughty dog. This is what I came home to.

Oh yes, this is what's left of my Femara.

Why does he like Target perscriptions so much? I almost crapped my pants thinking he ate all my pills. Nope, there all there. I don't know how I'm going to get to them, but there all there. This is the second Target script he has destroyed. FYI - The bottles aren't dog proof either.

Here is the bad boy. He's grounded!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your mom doesn't have Crohn's!

And why is it that pets always tear up the worst stuff? I came home last night to garbage all over our house...our dogs had popped the lid off the trash and had a ball while we were at work.